Introducing: ULTRAVILLAIN!
The most powerful superhero in the world has a bit of branding issue. This tends to happen when you name yourself several glasses into depression drinking.
After her drunken heroics cause her to go viral, Ultravillain doesn’t just wake up hungover, but with the nation’s rather confused attention on her.
The world wondered: why is this new, powerful figure named Ultravillain helping people, yet disregarding the authorities—or worse, interfering with them.
“Forget the name! Ultravillain was helping those people!” Tweeted some.
“Yea but in another video she put all the cops in their own handcuffs…” Responded others.
Indeed, a less confusing name may have offered some clarity to the opinion-wielding masses.
In a world where doing the right thing without the Superhero Interferences Commission’s approval is a crime, perhaps her name is not so confusing. Perhaps she should defy the control of a governing body. Perhaps good and bad are not so black and white.
Perhaps someone named Ultravillain is better than any superhero. Or just drunk.